Stack 7


ABOUT Stack 7

As a young boy, Stack 7 grew up attending his uncle Wilburns Pentecostal church in So. California. His mom loves Jesus and brought many to Christ while teaching her boys to do the same. At the age of 8, young Jamey heard “rappers delight” on the radio and fell in love with hip hop. During his teenage years and at the time that rap and hip hop blew up, Jamey picked up the mic and critiqued his own style of rap. The rhymes just came to him fluently, busting out rap after rap with his good friends Tone Capone and Damon. Damon gave him the name “sleestack”. At the age of 17, Stack  wrote a 17 page, front and back of page, 7 minute rap after reading the book of revelations. All of this in one night! Unfortunately, rap turned dark and only spoke of murder, gluttony, adultery, basically glamorizing Satan and darkness. This evil gangster rap had a huge influence on Stacks Rhymes and more importantly his life.
Later in life, Stack and his best friend Jason (Sandman) would buy cd singles and bust freestyles all night long in Stacks garage under the group name “ Whoopazz Crew”. This went on for a couple years to the point that they had a whole 20 gallon black trash bag full of cassette tapes. One day, after feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit, Stack threw away that whole bag because of the worldly filth full of cussing and sin that was spoken of in those freestyles. Stack stopped recording and now would go out on the town getting drunk and freestyling at karaoke bars.
Years passed and Stack got married to his soulmate and has a beautiful family. Still though, inequity was in his spirit though he knew what was right and wrong.
Suddenly, in 2018, Stack had a massive widow maker heart attack and was clinically dead for a time. When he woke up with a Dr. on his chest with a room full of doctors looking at him, his life changed. He turned his life over to the Most High. Through the sacrifice of the Messiah YAHusha Ha’mashiach, Stack was forgiven. Through water immersion Stacks black garments were made white. Stack gave up drinking, weed, tobacco, cussing, listening to rap, gambling and everything that convicted his spirit. He started studying scripture and realized we have all been lied to. Lies passed down by our fathers (Jeremiah 16:19). Everything from the false Sunday catholic sabbath, to pagan Easter and Christmas (Jeremiah 10:1-5). Also the name of Father YHVH being removed nearly 10,000 times for the name Lord (Baal in Hebrew) Jeremiah 23:27. The letter “J” being inserted into alphabet in the year 1530 at the same time William Tyndale completed his English translation.
Stack chooses to cal the Messiah the same name His mother called Him “YAHUSHA”, not what the evil pope named him. Also Stack now honors the biblical 7th day sabbath. Not the fake Sunday sabbath of Constantine and the Catholic Church.
In 2020 during the evil plandemic, Father put it on stacks heart to write rhymes and to share the truth he was uncovering through scripture over rap beats. Stack started mowing a cross in his backyard and that’s where the rhymes would come to him. Father put it on him to call himself “STACK 7” (standing together as Christs kingdom).
Even though he’s older and grey,  his rapping capabilities are still on point as ever yet with much more wisdom!
Groundbreaking Lyrical awakening to YAH’s Truth.
Stack 7’s only mission is to find that 1 lost sheep.
All praise to YAH!

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    Live Like An Egyption

    Stack 7 [Single]

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      Live Like An Egyption Stack 7

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    Stack 7 [Single]

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      Dogmaticsd Stack 7


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